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International School

Kanakia International School aims to offer the widest possible pathway for world-class education. At Kanakia International School, we provide an enriching and stimulating learning environment.


To inspire young minds to meet their full potential as learners. Our intent is to create a supportive educational environment that produces self-motivated students and reliable future citizens.


Our vision is to develop global leaders for tomorrow. We aspire to have our students develop into lifelong learners with a sense of purpose, good moral judgment and commitment to making the world a better place for all.

Curriculum at








Teaching children to value achievement or happiness similarly to caring for others. We encourage kids’ natural sense of empathy and stress the importance of caring for others as much as getting good grades. Raising empathetic children is not just good for society; it will also help them to have better emotional intelligence and be more successful.

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Finding solutions to problems- is a critical trait that the world looks for in leaders and it should be developed in childhood. Having the Internet and limitless technology at their fingertips is convenient, but not helpful in resourcefulness in kids. We work to nurture this trait in our children. Activities that challenge their creativity to create something new and push them to think out-of-the-box.

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It’s about having the confidence to voice your thoughts and willingness to respect and relate with the ideas of others. Somewhere between being overly aggressive and painfully timid lies assertiveness. It involves being bold and confident, speaking up when necessary but remaining respectful. It is the necessary building block to mature and develop peaceful relationships between all human beings.

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There is an important balance between having positive self-esteem and remaining humble that all kids need to learn. In a culture that emphasizes praise and validation, it is important to ensure that kids still have humility. We imbibe humility in children that can be in harmony with confidence and positive self-esteem. When a child is self-assured he does not feel inferior to others. Admitting a mistake, not knowing the answer, and being willing to give credit to others, is a hallmark of humility.

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